
I Want Cheap Designer Handbags And Also Big Shining Diamonds

China’s developed manufacture industry has helped the handbag replica industry gain rapid development and many consumers from Europe and America adore the quality and cheap cloned designer handbags, as according to some consumers that they are the same, why should I spend two or three times the money on the authentic?

Replica handbags are available, we can get them through online store, like replicaestore.com, but how about diamonds, another favorite of women, can they be available at low price? Sure, consumers in China have already been able to enjoy this benefit. In China, people can buy a one karat diamond at 19999Yuan online, 50% lower than market price. The price difference isn’t due to the quality of the diamonds, but costs saved by the unique management mode of online sales such as high admission required by coach wholesale shopping malls, rent, fitment, personnel, logistics and propaganda.

According to observers, internet direct sale in fact has unveiled the quick profits of diamond industry. First of all, the price of most diamonds sold online is only half the price of those sold in traditional jewelry stores. For example, a high quality diamond ring with a two karat diamond asks for 250,000 RMB in a traditional store, while through online direct sale, people only have to pay about 150,000RMB. Mr. Zhu says a diamond ring has to travel through many persons before it reaches the buyer’s finger, from mine owner, cutters, wholesaler to retailer, the cost of a finish product is higher than its own. Before diamonds reach the retail terminals, they are changed hands as many as five times by middlemen, and still 30% of the sales of every diamond sold has to be handed in to the jewelry store, therefore, retailers can only get about 10%. No doubt the cost of diamonds in traditional jewelry stores is prohibitive.

“To open a jewelry store in a middle and large-sized city, only the rent costs almost ten million Yuan a year, which amount the websites have returned to their customers.”results of an investigation frome martsexpress.com. Meanwhile, own to e-commerce’s characteristics, there are no real shop costs to be paid, little and even no inventory cost and lowered cost of circulation, diamond products sold online enjoy certain advantages in cost and their pieces of diamonds of same quality can be 20% to 50% lower than traditional jewelry stores.

