
What Makes People Suffer From Eye Problems

Eye is one of the most delicate parts in body. Many people would have experienced dry, irritated and sore eyes every now and then, but little knows what makes them suffer from those eye problems, thus finding corresponding ways to relieve those symptoms is difficult. Therefore, I think it is necessary to make clear the factors caused those eye problems, and some of the factors are listed below:

1. People working long before a computer would suffer from those eye symptoms more often. It is researched that when we stare at a computer screen, we blink about just 7 times a minute, and when we are relaxing, when blink 22 times and 10 while reading, which means that tears are less to lubricate the surface of eyes, because blinking is able to keep eyes moisturized with the protective layer of tears. (Tears, consisting of water, mucus, oils, proteins and antibodies, are of vitality in overall eye health. They are not the mere production of sorrow or excitement, and foreign objects entering into eyes. They constitute an important role in fighting against infections, protecting eyes from dust or dirt particles and keeping eyes moistened. )

2. People wearing contact lenses suffer from dry eyes more often. Contacts lenses, although some are designed to be gas-permeable, would keep eyes from breathing in some degree. Thus the surface of eyes can not be supplied with enough tears to keep them moistened. Therefore, it is advisable for contacts wearers to take their contact lenses out frequently, especially those who wear contact lenses for long term use.

3. People being allergic to pollens or as such suffer from dry eyes more often, even through a year. We usually call those hypersensitive response hay fever, which is typically associated with being most common during the summer, and people who suffer form hay fever will have red, itchy, sore and constant ' streaming ' eyes. In UK alone, many thousands of people will suffer from hay fever in summer.

4. People of inadequate estrogen levels suffer from dry eyes more often, therefore women who are menopausal frequently claim that their eyes are often very dry. Similarly, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and many contraceptive pills are researched to be able to cause not only dry eyes but also dry eye pain.

Fortunately, there are a number of solutions for those eye problems, the simplest and most convenient one is the use corresponding eye drops according to diverse eye symptoms. When you sit before a computer for an extended period of time, or wear contact lenses frequently, or overreact to grasses, pollens or something alike, or are of estrogen deficiency, you can drip one or two drops eye drops to keep eyes moistened and then you will feel comfortable. With those eye drops, especially those who have allergic reactions do not have to shut themselves away inside houses and workplaces, they can also go out as others to enjoy the full blossoming of flowers and the harvesting of wheat and rye, etc..

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