
Which Massage Tables Are the Best?

There are a lot of different kinds of massage tables that you need to think about before you settle on one. You could be one of the newest massage therapy practices in your area perhaps? You may need to consider a portable table if you will have roving services. You also have to get a table that’s constructed for the kind of massage you practice. The information that follows are some of the most important factors for you to think about as you consider which table works for your needs.

First off, you need to establish a budget and the type of table to buy, which will depend on how much you intend to use it. Some people will purchase a massage table to keep at home because they like being massaged or giving massages sometimes. If this is the reason you are buying a massage table, then you don’t need anything fancy or expensive because you will be using it infrequently. On the other hand, if you’re a massage therapist who’s going to be using the table all the time, you really want a high quality model that’s going to last a long time. Besides owning a robust table, you also want to exude a professional appearance. How often you will be using the massage table will dictate the quality you need.

If you require a quality massage table but don’t have a large budget you might be able to locate a decent second-hand table by visiting online discussion boards connected to massage. You could ask around to see if anyone is planning to sell a table that is still in good condition. Moving, upgrading their practice or changing their occupation are all reasons a massage therapist might want to sell their table. Spas usually replace their equipment more frequently, even if it is still in great condition, which is why you should visit your local spa and have a talk with them. In both situations, you will be able to purchase a massage table that would otherwise cost you an arm and a leg to get.

Not all massage tables are suited for all types of massage and bodywork, with some being more appropriate than others. For example, Shiatsu, Reiki and Swedish massage practitioners have different techniques that will determine the type of table they prefer. Reiki tables generally have endplates that allow the practitioner to have legroom when they work in a seated position, which is typical during a Reiki session. No matter the form of massage you practice, your table needs to be wide enough for people of different sizes to be comfortable on it. Do keep in mind, though, that if the table is too wide, you will have to stretch further to reach. Generally, when shopping for massage tables, you need something that you will be able to use for a long time. You also want to choose a unit that will suit the needs of both you and the clients. Ideally, the person receiving the massage will be so comfortable that he or she won’t even think about the table at all. When looking for a massage table, keep the previous suggestions in mind so that you can buy a table that will be with you for quite a few years.

