
Girl's night out

There’s no getting around it: Break-ups are a bitch. I was reminded of this delightful little Christian Audigier fact last month after going through a disappointing and rather abrupt parting of the ways. I could have thrown myself the mother of all pity parties, but I made a conscious decision not to. Instead, I successfully cycled through the seven stages of relationship mourning in record timing.

After that, I was ready for my first Girl’s Night Out as a freshly minted singleton.

So I called up Steph (my partner in crime) and we headed to Society Dining Lounge, Yaletown’s latest hotspot. Not normally my scene, but I’m trying to broaden my horizons. That said, I promised myself, “If I see one guy in a Ed Hardy t-shirt, I’m outie.” (Sorry, but you can’t buy rock n’ ed hardy roll attitude. You either got it or you don’t.) Thankfully, there wasn’t any yuppy tough guys in sight. Society is first-class all the way, but not in a stuffy way. There’s a few touches of unexpected camp thrown in for good measure (most notably the two giant pink chandeliers that hang side by side in the main dining room).

We started the evening off with a cocktail in the upstairs lounge, a very intimate and dimly lit space – perfect for playing footsies or even making out with someone you can’t keep your hands off. Ahh, the good ole days.

Anyway, I had some champagne and Steph had the Pink Samurai, a refreshingly sweet and fruity martini that we both highly, highly recommend!

After nursing round one in this beautifully sexed up drinking den, we decided to eat dinner in the packed dining area downstairs – we Affliction figured there was more chance of meeting people there. So we moseyed up to the downstairs bar, where they had platters of blue cotton candy for patrons to pick at. Inspired, by these big tasty mounds of candy, we put our creative minds together and invented a new sex position. How it works is you stuff your ginch with blue cotton candy and then when your man goes to take them off, you yell, “Surprise! You’re getting a bluebeard tonight.” Yup, we were just buzzed enough to think that was hil-arious.

Clearly, it was time to order some food. See, I was still fragile enough from my relationship woes that if I risked one more cocktail without any booze cushion, I would be swinging from those pretty pink chandeliers in no time.

Our first course was the Forno Meatloaf Balls and oh my god, they were, without a doubt, the tastiest meata-ballza I’ve ever put in my mouth (enter teabagging joke here). Then we had the Iceberg Wedge salad, Lobster Gnocchi and ‘Mac and Cheese’ Balls (am I detecting a pattern here?)

Every dish was amazing. So much so, we ate ourselves sober. And after scanning the room, we decided that we probably weren’t going to meet any guys. Society is a really great place for a girl’s night out, a guy’s night out or an afterwork hangout. It’s also the perfect place to take a date or celebrate a special occasion with a group of people, but I’m no so sure if it’s the place to meet new people. Maybe on the weekends?

Either way, it was pretty clear that I wasn’t going to find a rebound man on this rainy Tuesday night, so I did what women in my family have been doing for generations: I stuffed my feelings with junk food – a Junk Food Platter no less.

At the manager’s suggestion, we ordered this PMSing pothead’s dream come true: A dessert sampler that includes homemade ice cream sandwiches, doughnut holes, cookies, rice crispy squares, chocolate cupcakes, caramel popcorn, an Oreo milkshake and

and of course the aforementioned blue cotton candy. It was a great way to cap off my first night back on the market.

In fact, we had so much fun that Steph and I have decided to make this a regular event. Rain or shine, we’re doing a Girls’ Night Out once a week and you can read about our adventures right here every Friday.

