
Got a great handbag? Build around it!

In “Fashion Forward,” Jessica Lynn guest hosts and goes to Saks Fifth Avenue to talk to international handbag designer,Affliction Nancy Gonzalez and two Saks’ stylists about how to build an outfit around a handbag.

Gonzalez, who is Colombian born, has been designing handbags for 10 years and is a huge fan of color. Accessories are a must in Nancy’s wardrobe, along with heels, big rings and a white shirt.

Jessica and Gonzalez look and discuss Christian Audigier the different handbags available at Saks. A fun turquoise handbag, designed by Gonzalez herself, will be in the movie "Sex and the City 2". Gonzalez says the best way to take care and preserve a handbag is to make sure to use them.

Next, Jessica speaks to two Saks stylists about how to make build an outfit around Nancy Gonzalez’s handbags. Karen, one of the stylists, says that people should focus on Gonzalez’s philosophy ed hardy clothing and focus everything in an outfit around the bag.

